Monday 19 October 2009

Health and Safety

Inside the Photography studio:
· Beware of cables spread out across the floor because they are a tripping hazard, especially when the main lights are turned off.
· The special lights in the photography studio can become very hot fairly quickly which could burn you if touch them. Also the lights are very bright especially the flash lights so don’t look directly at them otherwise you could seriously damage your eyes.
· Be careful of the backdrops in the photography studio as they are very fragile and very expensive to replace if you damage them, also they are very heavy to move so take care when moving them into position otherwise you could get crushed by them and that would hurt…a lot .
· Put all coats and bags in the corner of the room out the way when the photography studio is in use, because they are also a tripping hazard and if you were to trip it is possible that you would land on and break expensive equipment or injure yourself.

Inside the Dark room:
· Be very careful in the dark room as you can hardly see anything or anyone so it’s a very bad idea to be running into the room in case you bump into someone or worse break the equipment which is very expensive and breakable.
· There are various chemicals and amounts of water within the dark room, which if spilled can damage the equipment, become a tripping hazard or could possibly get into your eyes, ears, mouth etc which could do you harm.
· Again no food and drink in the dark room because it could ruin the machines or get left on the floor and become a tripping hazard.
· And don’t bring lose clothing or bags into the dark room in case anyone trips over them.

Digital suite:
· Try and manage to have a short break every few hours when using the editing machines as it allows you to take a step back from the work to obverse what you have done so far and allow to focus on how you can improve it. Also it’s uncomfortable to sitting down for long periods.
· Try to avoid working long hours if possible because editing can get very frustrating and stress level can grow really easily.
· No running around the editing areas as there are lots of wires trailing about which you could trip over and injure yourself.
· No food and drink in case they get spilled over causing a trip hazard or in case they get into the machine damaging it.
· Whenever possible use headphones when editing sound so that only you can hear your edit and not everyone else which might be very distracting for others.

On location
· Check over your surroundings when on location making sure that you aware of any possible hazards such as traffic flow, unwanted noise etc. This very important as you don’t want to run over when filming.
· Be aware of other people when on location as it’s against the law to be obstructing someone’s right of way without their permission.
· When using equipment on location be sensible when handling it at all times, otherwise you could drop and damage it.

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