Wednesday 21 October 2009

8 Shot Journey-Video

In My 8 shot journey Andrew was the actor whilst I was the camera man/director. In the first shot we see Andrew sitting at a table in the atrium of the college having a drink of his water, this is obviously a break time. In the second shot we have Andrew looking at his phone realising he is late. Shot three he leaves the table and goes through the double doors. In shot four he goes down the corridor and around the corner, shot five we carry on from him going round the corner to where he will scan his card which brings us to shot 6 which is an extreme close up of the card being scanned. In Shot 7 after scanning his card we see his coming through the doors and into the film studio. Shot 8 is the final shot and we see him come through the door and go to his seat sitting down with only a few seconds to spare. Overall I am very happy with how my 8 Shot journey went and if i changed it i would this time remember to remove the sound as i forgot so i do apologize that there is sound as there isnt meant to be any.

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